Phil. 1
Vs 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Vs 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
Vs 20 … I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death
Vs 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith
Vs 27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel,
Vs 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents.
Confidence … Paul’s confidence is what strikes me as he opens his letter to the Philippians.
Paul was clearly always a pretty confident individual. He was willing to kill people for his beliefs!
But this confidence is such a stronger, yet humble, confidence.
Paul’s confidence now is not in his own beliefs, but in the One who is dong the work.
“I am sure of this” … “he who began a good work” … “will bring it to completion”.
And a confidence like this from Christs is contagious … “most of the brothers, having become confident in the lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear”.
“I will not at all be ashamed” …. Is there a more confident statement that can be made in a shame based culture?
It is only “with full courage” that you can make this statement.
Yet, it is a selfless courage … Paul is “convinced” he will remain … “for your progress and joy in faith”.
Paul wants “only” one thing … “a life worthy of the gospel of Christ”.
But what does this entail? “standing firm” … “striving side by side for the faith” … and “not frightened in anything”.
In what am I standing most firm?
In what am I striving side by side for?
In what am I frightened?
If I’m more firm in anything than the Gospel of Christ, I’m building on sand.
If I’m striving for anything more so than the perseverance of the faith, I’m settling for lesser things.
And I would only be striving for something else if I’m frightened by that something else.
What am I “sure of”? … What am I “confident” in? … Do I have “full courage”?
If it is not Christ, I will lack a fear of God and I will be consumed with a fear of man.
I will be ashamed.
I can’t imagine a better way to live than with “surety”, and “confidence”, and “full courage”, and “standing firm”.
There is only one way to do this … a life “worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ”.
Thank you God for your word.
Thank you for giving us examples of these confident, faithful people.
Thank you that their confidence comes from you
And thank you that your gospel gives a confidence available to me
Give me courage to share it
In Jesus name