Good Life Journal – Philippians 3


Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


We are called to remember the ultimate goal of a Christian and to live a life that is consistent with God’s calling. It does not matter where you have been. We cannot change that. We can only determine what direction we go starting now.


The decisions we make, make us. But bad decisions do not have to define us. Nor do past decisions have to influence what kind of decisions we make in the future. We can choose to make good decisions moving forward or bad decisions. It is up to us. Paul reminds us that we should be focused on what is ahead and not what has happened in the past.

Covey calls it the “end game”. With the end game in mind, the decisions we make today should move us toward the end game. Paul calls it the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. That is the goal. I am to keep my eyes on God and keep His goals in mind as I make my decisions. Yet, I often I take my eyes off the goal; off the prize. My focus is on the shiny object. Andy Stanley says it best when he said “Don’t trade what you want most for what you want in the moment.” I know what I want most but often get distracted and choose the path that distracts me from

What I want most is God’s will in my life. To do His work through me. I need to remember this. Keep making decisions with this prize and not letting the world’s distractions or living in the past keep me from obtaining all God has in store.


Thank you for being with me at all times. Thank you for providing your word and your son. Help me to understand your word and apply it to my life.


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