Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Who you spend your time with and “walk with” will determine who you become and how your life turns out.
The people I hang out with influence me. They influence the way I communicate, how I act, what I think is funny, what I listen to, what I desire/value, and how I spend my time. Everybody in my life is either influencing me in a positive way or a negative way. Specifically, either they are helping me draw near to God or draw near to something or someone else.
A few things:
-Run through my friends and the people I spend the most time with. How are they influencing me?
-Consider the people I influence and how I am influencing them. Am I leading them well or foolishly?
-Find wise friends. If I look around the table and can’t find people who are making me better, I need to change tables.
Father, thank you for Godly friends who have developed me in wisdom. Forgive me for spending too many hours with fools. Forgive me for leading others into folly in the past. May I love today with clarity in how my life impacts many others.
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