Good Life Journal – Proverbs 18


[4] The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.


deep waters – no end to the quantity of words coming deep from the heart fountain – a natural spring bubbling brook – continuous, measured amounts, not all at once


Know that, while the words of a person pass through the mind and come out of the mouth, they are coming from deep within the heart.  The deep waters.  A place with no real end.  Not all of the words coming from every individual are life giving or wise.  Many words from some individuals, while they may sound wise, are self promoting or even destructive, so exercise good judgement as you listen or read.

A wise person will enlighten others by imparting knowledge through words from the deep waters of his heart, in measured amounts, in a way that flows and makes sense to his audience, and does not overwhelm.


Thank you for the wisdom imparted to me from your word and from listening and learning from the wise.  Let me always be open to the wisdom of others and alert me Lord when I am listening to a fool or someone who is simply building themself up.  Let my heart and mind never be so closed that I think I don’t need wise counsel.  In Jesus’ mighty name I pray this. Amen.