Good Life Journal – Proverbs 28

Journal Proverbs 28 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”  Prov 28:26


Observation: Remember about how counter cultural Christianity is?  It is also counter intuitive to the natural mind.


Analysis: “Of course I trust myself!  How could I not?  It is on my own that I stand or fall.  I am dependent on no one.”

This thought permeates our culture.  It is a mark of American independence and it comes as naturally as breathing.  It is especially descriptive of our thinking.

Here is what the Bible says about my mind: “The whole head is sick.” (Is 1:5b)

If, then, my head is sick, is it conceivable that my mind and thoughts are likewise impaired?

Why is it that the scriptures say, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind—that by testing you may discern what is the will of God: What is good, and acceptable, and perfect.” (Ro 12:2)

Looking up in the Microsoft synonym reference, renewal is listed with these synonyms: regeneration, restitution, rekindling, revitalization, and rejuvenation—all these words have a common theme: Change to something preferable from a current state which is not-preferable.

I think that if “common sense” is based upon a sick head, with ill thoughts, then it is necessary and right to pursue wisdom, even if that means chucking away some attitudes that now have no place before my Lord.

This is hard writing this.  I write it to remind myself that as I surrender to Jesus, my mind and thoughts are part of that surrender.  That is difficult because “How do I know?”

Pursuing wisdom isn’t easy in the best of times and difficult indeed in the worst of times.  Chasing after the Lord and His Word, submitting to being changed daily, is best done when a person is not in the crucible.  I would rather learn in the classroom of ease than in a whirlwind of difficulty.

Prayer:  Father, you see my heart and mind this morning.  You are fully aware of my turmoil.  I am probably overstating the situation, but it feels yuck to me.  Help me keep my mind fully on You today.  Cry when I need to, praise and thanksgiving always.  AMEN.