Proverbs 3
In verses 13-20, the focus is on the value and benefits of wisdom and understanding. This gift of wisdom is described as more precious than anything that can be gained on earth. Wisdom is being personified into a woman who brings both “long life and riches.” This is just a further example of the blessings of wisdom. Wisdom is used as the means by which the Lord worked in creation. The “tree of life” mentioned at the end of this selection of passage are ways by which the righteous continue on and are blessed in the end. This is also mentioned again in Proverbs 11:30.
How often do we mistake earthly wisdom and eternal wisdom? I believe it would be easy to misinterpret this verse and think it is explaining the importance of earthly wisdom, but it is really talking about the wisdom we obtain from spending time in the Word and a relationship with God. If you keep that framework in mind, then it is easy to see that this wisdom we have in Christ is one of the biggest blessings offered to us. These scriptures even entail that wisdom is the tool that God used for creation, and that tool is offered to us!
Lord, help me to find wisdom in you. Help me to not focus on the things of this earth, but on the eternal things and my relationship with you. Thank you for offering us this gift of wisdom. Thank you for allowing us to have an intimate relationship with you where we can seek you in the small things and in every area of our life. We love you. Amen.
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