Good Life Journal – Proverbs 4


“Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.”  Prov 4:26


Straight talk, clear speech, nothing ambiguous here.  How often do I consider one simple thing?


Action-result.  It seems simple enough.  Do this and that will be the result.  A promise of God.

Not so simple in real life, though.  Perhaps it is because we have misplaced the gift of “pondering”; of introspection; of meditation; of just thinking.

My life is so loud.  It is loud with sound, with stimuli, with things to do, with shows to see.  It is loud with sports, with events, with Facebook and other social media.  Even within the local church it is loud with ministry-this thing, that thing, and the other thing-that I can neglect taking time to listen to Him who whispers in my ear.  My life is a distraction all by itself.

Ponder is a verb.  It is a call to a specific action.  It is directing us to think hard about our ways according to this verse.  Review what it is I am doing…then as a result of determining the good, the bad, and/or the ugly, arrange to leave them all behind and pursue the SURE path.

But to ponder?  And ponder with all the noise all around?  Getting to the point of being quiet enough to actually engage in the act of pondering is hard.  Why?  Because we can be so distracted by the loud sounds, the flickering lights, and the prospect of action.

Pondering the path of our feet is an analogy.  “Your feet…” encompasses our heart, our mind, and our motivations.  It is reviewing what we have done, what we just did, and how to do it different in the next few moments, the rest of the day, week and month.  “How would I have spoken my wife differently if I would have only taken the time to think about it first?”

To ponder is a strong step to being a disciple.  The scriptures say: “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, (and) gentleness.”  (1 Tim 6:11b)  How are we to pursue these things if we don’t think of them and how to do them first?

Osmosis isn’t a good strategy to rely on when becoming a Disciple.


Lord Jesus-You went away from the disciples almost daily to be with the Father.  I need to follow that same practice to bring before You my thoughts, my fears, my failures, my desire to be more like You and to conform to Your Word.  I need to quiet my soul to hear Your whisper and to ponder the path of my feet.

Lord: Reveal if there is any wayward way in me.  Help me see the condition of the man in the mirror and direct my feet to the way everlasting.  Lord help me to be a man of the Word and walk securely in Your ways.  One simple thing… AMEN.


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