Good Life Journal – Proverbs 31


Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceitful, and beauty vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


The book of Proverbs closes with a similarity to the opening in Book 1 that the fear of the Lord is essential in one’s life.  Someone who is charming can be deceiving and a woman only concerned about her outward appearance can be prideful.  In contrast, the woman who fears the Lord should be praised and was by her family.  


This mother has a fear of the Lord in all of her daily activities not just on Sunday.  Her fear of the Lord has given her wisdom to carry herself in her planning, work and how she raises her children.  Clearly, to be fearful of the Lord is something everyone should have to begin on a path to gain wisdom.  This mother, whose fear of the Lord gave have wisdom in all aspects of her of her life, has provided a model on how I should be at home, work and in the community.  We must not be impressed with falseness that is fleeting but rather seek a life of wisdom that is eternal.



Thank you for your love and the wisdom you give us in your word.  Help me be someone who fears you and embodies wisdom in all areas of my life so that I can share with others and show your glory.


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