Good Life Journal – Psalm 101


Psalm 101:1 I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.


The psalmist sees both the love and justice of God as characteristics worthy to write songs about.


I have heard a million love songs. Songs about the way someone looks or the way they make someone feel or how much their heart beats when there with them. However, I don’t know many songs on justice. Though it is easy to celebrate a characteristic of love because of its impact in our lives, it is difficult to celebrate the characteristic of justice because many times the impact to our life is punitive. Yet we read this passage of scripture on the other side of the cross. God is just. And where his love and justice collided was the cross. Sin had to be atoned for. His love for us was extraordinary. Therefore the sacrifice of Jesus was the greatest extent of his love as well as the perfect execution of his just judgment.

I need to celebrate today the love of God.I also need to celebrate today the justice of God. Because God is just he did not overlook my sin. Instead he executed judgment on his own son so that the demands of the law were met. I am reminded today that the justice of God at times has punitive results. However, the cross of Christ is where the punitive results of my sin were dealt with in full.


Father thank you for reminding me of your great love today. Thank you for showing me how your justice is worth singing about. May I write songs with my life, my words and my gifts that tells the story of your love and justice


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