Good Life Journal – Psalm 115-116

Scripture:  “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your Name give glory for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!”  Ps 115:1

Observation:    Like finding North on a compass the Psalmist identifies where our orientation should be…

Application:   I have said it before and I will say it again: The Psalmist is just like me.

Well, not quite—it is a bit irreverent to identify with David or any other of the Psalm writers.  But the point is that they are real; candid; transparent to a fault.  Fakery isn’t found unless they are pointedly describing themselves.

When I read the Psalms and especially out loud…it could sound just like me especially the whining, groaning, grumbling, and complaining sections.

This one verse caught me—maybe because it is part of a song I used to sing, maybe because there is a biblical truth hiding there that I so easily forget.

“Your Name.”

If there is one name that deserves, yes, mandates praise and acknowledgement it is His Name.

All the benefits I experience is a result of His Steadfast love and faithfulness towards me—not a thing I deserve or could ever earn.

Which should lead me to be reminded that His Redeeming Love is all one sided: the Trinity’s steadfast love and faithfulness is His entire prerogative exercised toward me.  All.  His. Every last bit.  Even my supposed “choice” to follow Him is only because He called me first—His steadfast love and faithfulness in full display.

“Perfect wisdom in the mercy of the Cross, still I’ll never understand why a rebel so unworthy of such a cost would be ransomed by Your hand.”  Lyric from “Name above all Names” by Judah Groveman.

Prayer:   Lord God, thank you for Your Grace.  I will not understand why you love me.  I am glad that You do.  AMEN