Good Life Journal – Psalm 118

Psalm 118:22-23 – The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.


Psalm 118 displays God’s trustworthiness and his steadfast love for his chosen people, Israel.  We know God is the same and unchanging forever.  In verse 22 we see a reference to Israel being rejected by the other nations.  The people of Israel also turned their back on God and sought sinful ways.  This verse is also a foreshadowing of Christ who was God’s son without sin who took on the sin of the world but was not recognized by the Jewish leaders as the Messiah.  Jesus took the place where the law failed and made the only way to be reconciled to the Father.  This is God’s plan from the beginning of time to send his one and only son that whoever believe in his name is a saved adopted child of God and that is glorious to see and know his love.



Where everyone falls short of the mark of a Holy God, Jesus is perfect and succeeds.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can know the Father apart from Jesus.  When I think of the abounding love that God had in sending Jesus and the grace he has for us it is overwhelming the mercy he has for me. When I receive the love of Christ, the most powerful thing to change hearts and lives through the power of the Spirit in me to love others and have mercy as I have been loved.  This is God’s plan and design for us to know him, follow him and use or role to glorify Him.




Thank you for your love grace and mercy in sending Jesus so we can repent be reconciled and have a relationship with you to know you and make you known.  Let the Spirit give me eyes to see others as you and a heart to care/love as you do.