Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:121-152


[130] The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. [131] I open my mouth and pant,because I long for your commandments.



When God became real in the psalmist’s heart, it made everything more clear to him; as light makes things clear in a dark room (heart).

Seeing the truth clearly with the light has nothing to do with how well educated or knowledgeable a person is.

Once he saw clearly and truly felt God in his heart, the psalmist could not get enough of him.


When you truly believe and walk with Christ, your heart changes.  The Lord fills you with His spirit and you are driven to get more and more of Him; to be more and more like Him.  When this happens, it’s like being in a dark room with a bunch of demons and turning on the light.  You see all the evil around you and want to get away from it as fast as you can.

Understanding God’s Word, commandments, grace or love, has nothing to do with how smart we are or how much education we have.  It has more to do with a heart change and a desire to truly know Him.  “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psa 51:10).

The light from truly knowing God, shines into the deep corners and secret compartments of your heart.  When our heart is transformed, we literally see the world and the happenings around us in a whole new light.  With this heart change is when we finally see all that is wrong around us.  Much of which seemed fine before.  Drastic things can happen – friends change, activities change, desires change, and where we find joy changes.  We have a new insatiable desire to “..not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..” (Rom 12:2).


This is the unquenchable thirst that David (the psalmist) is expressing.  We long to understand the Lord’s will for our lives. We long to please Him.  We long to see worldly influences for what they are – through the light of His truth.  We thirst for His word and can’t get enough.


Lord, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for changing my heart, for guiding me with Your spirit and for allowing me to get closer and closer to You. Thank You for the joy You give me as I walk with You.  I pray You continue to help me understand Your will and impart wisdom into me as I run this race.  Lord I pray you continue to pursue the lost as You have continuously pursued me.  In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.