Psalm 119:26-27
When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes! Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
The psalmist shares a few facts of his experience. He had a “way”. He confessed it. God has a “way”. God then made him understand it through his precepts. The psalmist’s way became God’s way through meditating on those precepts.
I have a way. Sometimes it is in alignment with God. Most of the time it is not. God has a way. He isn’t still trying to figure it out. It is defined a clear. His way is defined in His word. In order for my way to align with his way I must commit to the precepts of God and meditate on them.
A few things…
-I must admit my way to God. I must confess that my ways are not His ways. This goes a long way in helping me not trust in myself or in my gut. (Admit)
-I must remember that God has a way and his way is unfailing. It might not be what I want to hear or what I would always choose, but it is always available and always right. (Remember)
-I must commit to His word, both reading and meditating. Reading exposes His way and meditating is when my heart becomes aligned with His word and way. (Commit)
Decisions, decisions. My life is filled with choices. May I learn to trust your way and not my own. I admit that my way is different than yours many times. I remember today that your ways is higher than my way. I commit to your way. Even if it is different than what I want or what someone else wants for me.
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