Psalm 119:160 The sum of your word is truth,
and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.
The total completion of the word of God is truth. Every part. The encouraging and popular as well as the burdensome and obscure. The word is true and life-giving. Not only is the word true and life giving, it is eternal. Al the words of God will last forever. There will never be a time when they are irrelevant or expire. There will never be a time when they are not applicable.
If I am going to live my life by a set of precepts, instructions or directions, the word of God is the only reasonable choice.
A few things…
-God’s word is eternal. It never fails.
-God’s word is true. It is never wrong.
-God’s word is complete. Every part matters.
Father, thank you for you love and for your word. I embrace them together today.
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