Psalm 120:1
In my distress I called to the Lord,and he answered me.
Psalm 121:1
I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
The psalmist describes a life of distress and desperation. However he also describes a God who answers and comes to his aide.
Life has problems. The world is not a friendly place. People try to hurt us. Times of desperation and distress come. This isn’t something to be surprised by. This shouldn’t lead us to think something is wrong. Instead we need to know where our help comes from and call out to Him. We need to believe that he hears and furthermore that he answers.
A few things…
-Expect problems (A faith that teaches we won’t have problems if we obey is simply not true)
-Know we need help and where our help comes from. (Self-help and self-reliance are the opposite of Christianity. God doesn’t help those who help themselves. Instead he comes to the aide of those who cry out for help.)
-Remember He made heaven and earth. Whatever we are asking Him to aide us in can’t be more difficult than creation. If he spoke the earth into existence. If he hung the stars and planets in place, I think he can handle my relationship issue or my financial problem. If He can handle telling the ocean where to stop, I think he can defend me before my enemies.
Father, difficulties come. I know where my help comes from. I need you.
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