Good Life Journal – Psalm 120-121

Journal Ps 120-121 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


Scripture: “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.


‘Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.’ What shall be given to you, and what more shall be done to you, you deceitful tongue? Ps 120:1-3


Observation: To whom is the Psalmist referring. I think he may be talking about himself…


Application: I find myself (at times) reading the Scriptures and think that the Holy Spirit is referring to other people instead of the face in the mirror.


Sometimes, he is—but the context is fairly evident that is the way the narrative is constructed. But there are other times that the sentence construction is confusing.


Take the above reference: Is the Psalmist asking to be delivered from Bob’s (a made-up character) lying lips? Bob’s deceitful tongue? Maybe…but what good is that to a disciple? How do I learn to be patient, gentle, and all the other fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5) if I ask for God to shut someone else up?


Or is the Psalmist looking at himself and pleading, “O God, my Lord: Keep my tongue from being deceitful; my tongue from lying!” I tend to think it is about me, standing before the Throne and keeping myself to account than it is about someone else.


Why is that I wonder? Why would I want to hold someone else’s actions concerning me in complaint before the Throne of God instead of my own? Simple answer (at least to me)? I succumb to weakness and self-importance.


I am not in Jesus’ league of conduct, but, remembering Matt 4 and the 40 days Wilderness episode, when Satan came out to tempt Jesus, Jesus’ answers were “It is written…”


Here’s a thought: Were those answers dual in application? Did Jesus reply to Satan that God’s Word was preeminent in all things only to the Deceiver? Or did Jesus say it out loud to strengthen His own heart and mind with the Living Word? Hold on: Was this written down to give me an example to live by? Notice: this is a clue!!


Note: I didn’t come by this analysis easily. It was because of the Journal writing that I needed to wonder about what I was reading. It would have been easier to write in Psalms 121 about “Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” I need to wonder/ponder/meditate on Psalm 121 as well—without forgetting that “…all scripture is profitable…” (2 Tim 3:16)


Therefore, I remind myself: If I encounter a passage of Scripture that doesn’t quite make sense—keep at it for a while, thinking and rolling it around in the space between the ears. If it must be abandoned for a moment, pray that the Holy Spirit will connect the dots in the future.


Prayer: Father, I thank you for your faithfulness. If I pray, “Show me…”, I can be assured that someday you will.


Please keep me from being anxious that I don’t know it all…keep me from acting like I do, as well. I want to walk faithfully in your Word.



Ricky Two Shoes