Good Life Journal – Psalm 126


Psalm 126:1-3
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with shouts of joy;
then they said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us;
we are glad.


The fortunes of Israel were restored by God through deliverance. The people began to dream again. When people dream, they also laugh, praise, and testify to God’s goodness.


Am I dreaming anymore? I have been delivered by the Lord but it is easy to stop dreaming. I can forget and get stuck in the day to day. I am convicted by this passage. Dreaming about the future is only possible when my eyes get above my day to day circumstances and I focus on what could be, versus what already is. So how do I get my eyes and mind on the future? The same way Israel did. Remember my deliverance.

The gospel gives me hope for tomorrow and sets my gaze on eternity. My life becomes about a kingdom that will never fade. A relationship that will never be taken away from me. A heavenly home that will last for all eternity. When my eyes and heart are set on eternity, I am free to dream. I am free to laugh, to shout with joy and to testify of God’s goodness.

If I am not laughing, shouting and testifying, I am not focused on the right thing. Sure, things can get tough and this world is still dark. But I have eternity in my heart. I have been given the mind of Christ. I can’t afford to waste my days void of dreams, laughs, smiles, and testifying. If I don’t, who will?


Getting stuck in survival mode, maintaining mode, managing mode is normal. Father, remind me that I need my eyes to be set on your deliverance. May you remind me, even when I choose to focus on other things, that eternity is mine and I am free to laugh, shout and testify. You are good. Thank you for your deliverance.


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