Good Life Journal – Psalm 128-130

Journal Ps 128-130 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!


O Lord, hear my voice!  Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!  If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who would stand?  But with you there is forgiveness that you may be feared.


I wait for the Lord; my soul waits, and, in his word, I have hope more than watchmen in the morning…more than watchmen in the morning.” Ps 130:1-6


Observation: Do I pray like this?  Or do I pray perfunctorily, no emotion, no thought, finding contentment in forgiveness but no Fear?


Analysis:  Right up front, and to be clear: I am writing to the man in the mirror here—no casting stones to anybody.


I am finding myself praying lightly these days.  No “out of the depths” crying here.  In fact, I find a certain “hardening of the heart” creeping up; a creep that moves with unrelenting slowness but is advancing and overcoming my resistance just the same—kind of like plaque on my teeth that just makes my prayers less filling.


I noticed two things in today’s reading:

  1. The Gospel.  Even here I can see part of the Gospel: No one can stand before God in their iniquities.  It is why we need a Redeemer, a Savior.
  2. And from that, with forgiveness of Redemption, we are grateful?  Yes, but I look at the verse and I find an expectation that as a result of God’s forgiveness, there should be fear.


I have been working on talking about the Fear of God for a while now.  One definition that I found in another book could describe the function of Fearing God as being Awestruck.


When I think of God’s Redemption of my Sin through Jesus, am I even close to being awestruck?  Do I fear God, not that He would take away what They did, but that They did it anyway?



Rick Sutton