Good Life Journal – Psalm 138


[1] I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;
before the gods I sing your praise;
[2] I bow down toward your holy temple
and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.


The Psalmist is praising God and giving thanks with his entire heart.  There is no room for discontent, or unthankfulness of any kind.  He does this raising God above all false gods or idols.  There is only one God and He is exalted above all things.
The Psalmist praises God for love that is never ending, and for always being with him, faithful through good or bad, faithful through thick and thin.  In addition to that, the NKJV translates “faithfulness” as “truth” in this passage.  I think the Psalmist is praising God for truth that never changes; truth that is manifested through just judgement.


Let this be a lesson to us.  Using our whole heart to give the Lord thanks leaves no room in our hearts to be unthankful.  Thankful and praising Him in what feels like good times as well as what feels like bad times or situations when we’re uncomfortable.  As we fill our hearts praising Him, there will be no room in our hearts to put false gods like pride or wealth ahead of Him.
The Lord is always good – His grace is good, His faithfulness is good, His steadfast love is good, and His truth is good.  Praise Him through all of this.


Thank You Lord – You love me while I don’t deserve it, You are faithful to me even when I’m not faithful to You, and You continually give me a perfect balance of abundant grace and truth.  Help me to walk in Your will.  Amen