Psalm 148:5 Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.
The Psalmist is directing us to praise the Lord. He provides a variety of reasons and areas that we should praise God for in this world. The psalmist depicts a picture of praise in Heaven and Earth. Creatures great and small. From the depths of the ocean to the tops of the stars. He is the creator of everything. All He has to do is speak and it is done. For that alone, I should praise Him.
It is sometimes easy to miss the simple things. The simple things that occur in our life and the simple things that are known to man. I can be so focused on the trees that I forget to notice the forest. This verse is a reminder that God is creator of all. He simply “says” and it is created. Yet as simple as some of life’s pleasures can be, how easy is it for me to take everything on earth for granted. God created it all. Simply by commanding. He is the creator, the judge and is worthy of all our praise.
I get a sense of excitement in this Psalm. The Psalmist is excited to be praising God. When I take the time to reflect on what God has created, I have a sense of awe. I should not let the challenges of the world stop me from remembering the excitement and awe as I praise God.
It is easy to go through the motions. It is easy to forget what you created and how you created everything. Help me not take things for granted whether they are little things, simple things or complex and not easily understood. You created everything and I praise you. I worship you and I am humbled by your name.
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