Good Life Journal – Psalm 16

Scripture –

Psalm 16:11 – You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Observation –

For the person who fears God and takes refuge in Him, God reveals the path of life that is only found through a relationship with Jesus to follow Him.  There is true joy only available through commune with God even during hardship.  Trusting in the name of Jesus and His finished work on the cross leads to eternal life in Heaven.  Contrast this with those who are deceived and follow their own god whose path is that of sorrow and destruction.



There are only two paths and two kinds of people.  God reveals himself to me through His creation and His living Word. God who created the heavens, earth along with everything in itcreated me in His image.  God loved me so much that He sent Jesus to die for my sins and be resurrected to defeat death so I could repent be reconciled and have everlasting life with Him. I choose to follow Jesus and grow in my relationship to follow His path which leads to life.  This is my greatest need met by the blood of the Lamb. With God there is a fullness of life and joy that is not circumstantial.  The alternate path is to deny the one true God and His truth to seek after created gods with subjective truth claims.  This path is one which is turned away from God leading to death and eternity is too long to get it wrong!



Thank you for making known to me the path of life is only through Jesus.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me to share your love to extend your glory here and amongst all people!