Good Life Journal – Psalm 19

Scripture –

Psalm 19:7- 9 – The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether

Observation –

God’s revelation in nature allows all to see the glory of HIs creation. 

 In verses 7-9 of Psalm 19 we see and learn all we can receive from being in the living Word of God.  God’s word is perfect and can provide restoration to our soul.  We gain wisdom when reading and studying the Word.  God’s way is right and and we can rejoice in our hearts when following God’s plan.  When we are in the Spirit and following God are eyes are open to His truth.  Fear of the Lord is pure and the beginning of wisdom.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life and is everlasting.

Application – 

These three verses remind me of all the reasons I need to be in the word to renew my mind and preach the gospel to myself daily.  I am either in the Word or the world.  The world is filled with lies, hate and the next cultural trend to deceive and kill. In contrast when I am in the Word I am focusing on His ways  and can see things to grow in wisdom.  I must be reverent to God and not fear man and all he has conjured up. God’s way is right and all  alternate paths lead to eternal destruction separated from a loving God who wants us to be with Him.  Eternity is forever and that is too long for those lost to be wrong.  People are hurting and fearful and we have have the answer to everyone’s greatest need in a relationship with Jesus.  This gives  me a real sense of urgency to share my testimony and tell others about Jesus in service and love to glorify God.

Prayer – 


Thank you for your prefect infallible Word. Let the Spirit guide me to renew my mind, my soul, to rejoice in you and live to know you and make you known to extend your glory!