Good Life Journal – Psalm 23


 Psalm 23

Vs 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Vs 3 … He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Vs 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

Vs 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.



 David recognizes here that no matter what his circumstances are, he will be shepherded by The Lord.

And because of this, David will not “want”, and he will not “fear”.

Even if David is in an extraordinarily terrible spot, the presence of the Shepherd calms him.



What drives my behavior? What motivates what I do?

There is usually a positive motivator … what I personally desire, or what I want!

There is also a negative motivator … what I personally do not desire, or what I fear!

My “wants” and my “fears” can often determine which direction I go.

David shuts both of these motivators down emphatically.

In fact, with the Lord as my Shepherd, David says, “I shall not want” and “I will not fear”.

And when I really think about it … Isn’t this a much better way to go through life?

No sense of lack … No sense of anxiety … Isn’t this that beautiful spot of … Contentment?!

What then would motivate me to live in such a space, if not those human drivers of “want” and “fear”?

One thing …. His Name!

I will be led by the Good Shepherd … “for His namesake”.

And if His name is the “why”, then what is the “how”?

How can I actually live this way “all the days of my life”?

I must understand the all-encompassing protection of the Good Shepherd.

Jesus is in front of me … “He leads me …”

Jesus is beside me … “for You are with me …”

Jesus is behind me …. “goodness and mercy follow me…”

I am never far from Jesus.

I dwell in His house forever.

When I grasp this … I can grasp any of life’s circumstances or situation “all of my days”.



Thank you, God, again for Your Truth.


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