Journal Ps 33 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)
Scripture: “For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord…
The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations…
For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you…” Ps 33:4-5; 10-11; 21-22
Observation: The musings of the Psalmist is enlightening—he touches on significant distinctions about God’s character and purposes that tend to be read over and ignored.
That pesky tendency to “cherry pick” scripture power sound bites strikes again…
Analysis: Sometimes there is too much to write about journaling the Reading Plan. I must learn to take better notes…
I am beginning to read in terms of God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility more often. It is difficult but enlightening.
I see the supremacy of God’s Word and the character description of his Faithfulness; loving righteousness and justice and how the earth can be seen as a testament of His steadfast love.
And then, after these character clarifiers, the Lord:
- Brings the counsel (plans, agreements) of the nations to nothing;
- Frustrates the plans of the peoples,
all for this: The Lord’s counsel stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations.
Do I really believe this, so that this “belief” enters all my thoughts, my plans, my objectives? Do I look at the current political situation and have confidence in God’s steadfast love to me? Or how about having confidence in God’s steadfast love ABOUT me?
It is clear that the Psalmist recognized that God is Sovereign, his Ways are not malleable, they don’t change with the winds. Because of his Omniscience, all things work together for good, for it is not just foreseen, all has been planned and KNOWN from before time.
Faithful are His ways; Righteous are His ways; Just are His ways—all covered by His steadfast love, not just for people, his clay creations, but for Himself.
The Triune God is the only person that does not have a sinful ego. I have an ego because it came with being made in his Image and then spoiled and twisted because Adam thought (through deception, but make no mistake, Adam was responsible for succumbing) he could be God’s equal and committed treachery against God by blatantly ignoring His instruction.
This description of Original Sin is not something to forget. It is why Grace is so amazing: Man broke the Command; Man deserves punishment; God is Just, He cannot overlook; God created an atonement; the Son was the payment that covered the cost of Justice that I richly deserved.
To readers: I really do think this way. I have reminders (like this Journal) to remind me how important the Gospel is to remember. If I don’t remember, I start to think that I don’t need the Gospel and I begin to revert to thinking like Adam. Again.
Prayer: Father, I appreciate that the Gospel narrative doesn’t freeze me; it sets me free. Through it I know (in the limited way of all clay) what lengths You went to in redeeming Man and Creation.
I am humbled…and puzzled. All praise belongs to you, O Triune Mystery.
Bring revival,