Good Life Journal – Psalm 33

Journal Ps 33 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation and notes are mine)


Scripture: “Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits (is fitting, suits, is becoming for) the upright.


Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.


For (because) the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the (evidence of) the steadfast love of the LORD. (Ps 33:1-5)


Observation: David writes a ton in this Psalm, and to get it all I must read carefully and be able to switch tenses.


No matter what, this Psalm is about God and my attention to Him.


Application: I heard a sermon referencing a professor who was asked, “What is the most succinct statement of the Gospel you know of?”


The professor thought for a moment and replied, “Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so.”


This was taught to my children, and I did not follow up on that well. Even adults, while remembering this ditty, don’t follow up on it well in their own life.


Why is that? What evidence do I see? Back to this later…


At the beginning of this Psalm, David admonishes folks to praise God and praise him with gusto and full of emotion. To the musically inclined, play whatever instrument we are trained in and play skillfully but also with vocal gusto (loud shouts).


Why? Why am I being admonished from the centuries past? Why is the Holy Spirit speaking to me today?


“For (because) the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the (evidence of) the steadfast love of the LORD.”

I can praise God (rightfully and properly) because I sense and am aware of his Love towards me; that his Love put him on the Cross, etc. But, even with that awareness, how do I KNOW that?


“For the Bible tells me so…”


Therefore, today I am thankful, grateful; I will give praise quietly in my study and I will sing loudly in my car BECAUSE IN HIS WORD I HAVE MY HOPE.


I will put the music of this world back in its case and fill my mind with lyrics that are strong doctrine. I do not want my mind being diluted any more than it already is. I want to satisfy my inner man with music that challenges me to worship deeply.


This doesn’t come easily. I am a man of my generation: I am drawn to Elvis, Ray Charles, Roy Orbison, the Beach Boys, Three Dog Night, CCR, Motown, and of course, the Beatles, etc.. However, (except for Centerfield by John Fogarty) if I take the music away and read the lyrics, I more than likely can find Christian compromising statements salted within.


Shucks, I have found lyrics in Christian music that are mediocre and immature at best. Personally, I look for excellence and biblical maturity in the music I listen to—and it can be difficult to find.


David writes, “Sing a new song.” I am sure that the Holy Spirit is providing from within hearts of maturity to bring solid, upright, verse that another can put to cool, catchy music. Maybe even in this local church.


“…for the Bible tells me so…” As young parents, all we can do is try to lead our children into the everlasting Way.


Therefore, I remind, that Hope is found in Him because of His Word!


Prayer: Father, my Hope is in You because you said, via your Word, to place my Hope in you.


Revive your Word in my heart and mind. Let it drive my intentions in my life. Help me recognize and acknowledge and consequently repent from the stuff that entangles me daily and follow you fully.



Ricky Two Shoes