Good Life Journal – Psalm 36


Psalm 36:7 – How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.


God’s love for us is of great value to Him and that love remains steadfast. God’s love does not change based on circumstances and is unending. God, as creator of the universe and everyone in it, protects those who follow Him.


God’s love for us is so precious, that He sent His son to die on our behalf so we can have a relationship with Him! We are called to love overs with the unconditional love of Christ. We were loved first, therefore we love. As we go through difficulties, know that God’s love is constant. The creator of the entire universe will keep us safe when we are in his shadow. We need to draw near to God and He will be near to us providing safety for His people.


Father, Help me daily to remember the great love you have for us through the Gospel. Let me love others unconditionally as you love us. May I be on a path to follow you where you are my protector.


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