Good Life Journal – Psalm 4


Psalm 4:7
You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.


David explains the security of the righteous in God. He describes lying in bed in peace though the world is in turmoil. Praising God, though circumstances seem rough. In this verse he describes the joy found in God as exceeding the joy that others find in material possessions.


Joy. This same man will write years later, “restore me to the joy of your salvation”, after failing morally. David understood the joy of the Lord. It was a state of happiness that was not easily robbed by pain and problems. It was a spirit of contentment, even when pressure and circumstances weighed heavy. It was satisfaction with position, even when others climbed higher.

The joy David had is the same joy I can have. It comes from having peace with God and knowing my greatest need has already been met. It comes when I trust He is in control and I stop carrying burdens that are not my own. It’s when I lay my head down and even though the
world isn’t as it should be, my world is in His Hands.

A few things…

-The joy of the Lord is mine. He gave it to me at salvation. It is mine to claim and enjoy.

-The joy of the Lord is above circumstances. Happiness comes when stuff goes well. Joy comes every morning. I choose joy.

-I need to remember that what I have is lasting and better. It is easy to think others have it better and that others have more. However there is nothing better or more than the joy of Jesus.


I know that your joy is my portion. It is enough. May I Iive in it, rest in it and share it today.
Restore to me the joy of my salvation!