Good Life Journal – Psalm 67


Psalm 67:1-2 – May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all the nations.


Here the psalmist is asking for God’s blessing and grace.  That the face of God would shine upon them.  By God’s grace and blessing on His people His all mighty power for salvation would be known to all the people on earth.


The first two verses of Psalm 67 are a great prayer with a missional call to action to share the gospel amongst the nations.  Because of the grace of God in sending Jesus to pay for our sins we, who believe in Jesus, are saved.  We are saved to make God known by our love of God and neighbor, not just here but all over the world.  The love of Christ is the most powerful thing and is the hope we need to be prepared to share with an uncertain world.



Thank you for your love grace and mercy in sending Jesus to pay for my sin so I can repent, be reconciled and have a relationship with you.  Have your face shine on me and let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me to make you known, glorifying you among the nations.