Good Life Journal – Psalm 76-77

Journal Ps 76-77 (all references are from the ESV unless noted otherwise; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: “I said: “Let me remember my song in the night; let me meditate in my heart.” Then my spirit made a diligent search:

  • Will the Lord spurn forever and never again be favorable?
  • Has his steadfast love forever ceased?
  • Are his promises at an end for all time?
  • Has God forgotten to be gracious?
  • Has he in anger shut up his compassion? (selah)

Then I said:

  • I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of the Most High.
  • I will remember the deeds of old.
  • Yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
  • I will ponder all your work, and,
  • Meditate on your mighty deeds.

Your way, O God, is holy.  What god is great like our God?  You are the God who works wonders; you have made know your might among the peoples.

You with your arm redeemed your people.” (Ps 77:6-15a)

Observation: I see it over and over—my focus is on me complaining (same as the Psalmist) but he turns it back to God (like I should).

Analysis:  I get this wrong over and over.

After complaining, perhaps I get relief from my complaint and I praise God—but, my praise goes something like this: “Oh God, thank you for delivering ME.” Hair split perhaps but, examining my heart (with the help of the Holy Spirit), I can tell when it is all about me verses being all about Him.

After writing the above, I took a break for a number of hours. Then it was brought to my attention on how I think about myself being grateful for what God has done FOR ME with ME as the focus. I look at His work and daily gifts on my behalf and benefit.

What I don’t do often enough (if ever) is to do what the Psalmist is suggesting, that is, reflect on God’s deeds of old, pondering, reflecting with wonder and amazement, and all that. Essentially, I am thanking Him for my “daily bread” (in principle) and not going any further.

It is preaching the Gospel to the face in the mirror with emphasis on God’s goodness towards my life with knowing AND understanding He does not have to but is His Grace and Mercy in action.

I suppose that is the way of the disciple, thinking that I have a biblical principle nailed just to find out that the Holy Spirit has more in mind to grow and learn in for me.

Being a disciple is never over…

Prayer: Holy Ghost, again I am brought to my knees (figuratively speaking, the arthritis in the hips affects the actual kneeling). In this case, pondering and writing on this section of scripture, I find I fail in what I want to do, just like Paul insinuates of himself in Romans.

I want to do better every day in being your disciple.


Ricky Two Shoes