Psalm 77:12 I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.
There is a sharp contrast in the tones of Psalms 76 and 77. Psalm 76 is focused on the magnificence of God and the power and control he has over everything. It focuses on the majesty that is God. Psalm 77 brings us into the world of someone that needs comforted from the troubles of his world. The Psalmist, Asaph, has found himself in need of God’s comfort and was questioning whether God had forgotten him in difficult times. Through his prayer, we see that Asaph finds comfort through a focus on everything God has done for him and all the mighty works that God has shown to him and to all of Israel.
It is easy to forget what God has done when we find ourselves in a difficult place or spot. Often we seek God’s comfort and expect immediate results. This Psalm is a reminder that God has made promises and has lived up to all His promises. I need to focus on who He is and what He has already done for me not on what I want Him to do for me.
Since this Psalm was written a few things have happened. First, God sent His son, Jesus, who died on a cross and was raised from the dead. Jesus died so that I, a sinner, can have a relationship with His father. Without his death and resurrection, and my belief in him as my Savior, I have no hope and no way. Jesus is the way. The only way. He is also the truth and the light. I need to remember that and focus on that. That alone is sufficient to meditate and consider.
You are majestic. You loved me and sent your son to die for my sins. Help me to speak and live a clear and simple message to those that I encounter throughout the day that speaks of your love and the incredible act of love that you provided to us in your son Jesus.
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