Psalm 78:4-5, 9, 18, 41, 56
Vs 4 “… tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord …”
Vs 5 “He has established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children”
Vs 9 “… they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation.”
Vs 18 “They tested God in their heart by demanding …”
Vs 41 “They tested God again and again and provoked the Holy One.”
Vs 56 “They tested and rebelled against the Most High God and did not keep his testimonies.”
It cannot be over emphasized the importance of letting the next generation know the wonder and awe and glory of God.
God has shown Himself faithful over and over and over again, yet the people of Israel test God’s faithfulness over and over and over again.
How do they test God?
By making demands of Him
By provoking Him
By rebelling against Him
With Father’s Day coming up this is so appropriate. What a reminder of the incredible role fathers play in unfolding the story of God.
God has provided us everything we need by providing us His testimony … the “Greatest Story ever told”.
But somehow it isn’t enough. I want God to “prove” Himself again to me. I want to “test God”.
What am I demanding of God? If I’m demanding anything, I’m forgetting the immeasurable value of His Grace! His grace is sufficient!
How am I provoking God? The Israelites “provoked” God by not remembering He set the free from slavery and stayed with them in the wilderness.
I must remember that I am free. I am “redeemed”!
How do I rebel against God? The Israelites not only neglected to “teach His testimony”, but to “keep His testimony”.
I rebel when I want to live my life for me rather than God,
When I want the testimony to be about me.
I rebel when I want to live a biography and not keep a testimony.
Father God, You are, indeed a good father.
Thank you that you have made me your child.
Help me through your Holy Spirit to know you are with me always.
Forgive me when I fail to teach my children about You.
Strengthen & encourage me in your power to live out your testimony.
Open my children’s eyes to see your beauty and your love for them.
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