Good Life Journal – Psalm 88


Pslam 88:1-3

O Lord, God of my salvation,
    I cry out day and night before you.
Let my prayer come before you;
    incline your ear to my cry!

For my soul is full of troubles,
    and my life draws near to Sheol.


The writer is in great shame, fear, and frustration. He is crying out to God and seemingly in the worst position in life he can imagine. He has been crying out day and night and he is asking God to hear him. I can only assume he asks God to hear him because nothing has changed and he is desperate and almost to the end. 




Man have I felt like this. Crying out to God and not feeling like he hears me. I talked with a girl yesterday and she said that when she prays she senses a complete void and nothingness as if God does not hear here. I think we all can get there or we all have been there, or are there now. I know who God is a must claim who he is, “God of my salvation,” and then lay my heart before him. There are times where I have to understand that his silence is his answer and the answer that might be through his voice he knows I am not ready for. I am learning today that when God does not answer my cry, I must not be far enough in my maturity in the Christ to receive his answer. Growth must happen in my relationship with Jesus, in his Word, and in obedience to his Word to ALWAYS be receptive to his answers to my questions. I still must cry day and night for the people of the world and for the Kingdom of God as I don’t. We are all in trouble and thanks be to God that Jesus is our help and we know where our help comes from.



Father, forgive me for not growing. Forgive me Father for not receiving your answers and I pray that you change me every day in your Son that I may grow to look like him and walk in your truth. Help me Spirit of God to be the man after your heart you have empowered me to be. 


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