Good Life Journal – Psalm 92


Psalm 92:4
For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.


Worship is a result of the character and actions of God. His works cause us to respond in gladness and singing.


The Lord is good. He is majestic. He is Holy. He is righteous. He is gracious. He is worthy to be worshipped.

A couple things…

-I must remind myself of His goodness. In a busy and sometimes confusing life we must remind ourselves of all that God has done and who He is. The culture and the system of this world will work against this. However, it is important for me to remember.

-When I remember, I must respond. Clap my hands, lift my voice, sing a new song! In the same way I respond in a sporting event I must respond to Jesus. He has done great things. He is worthy to be worshipped!


Father, thank you for your love and for your works. May I respond in worship. May I not get distracted with all the things “wrong” in the world and miss out on what you are doing in my life and in the world around me!


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