Psalm 144:3-4
O Lord, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
The psalmist has a healthy view of himself and all of mankind. When pondering this, he wonders why God takes the time to consider the lives of men at all. Our lives are finite and brief.
This view needs to make its way back into the mainstream of our lives and faith in the church. Our culture has so tainted our faith that we have three main misconceptions that are damaging our effectiveness and health.
-Our view of ourselves is too high. It’s not that we aren’t valuable or of worth, it’s just that we forget why. We aren’t valuable or worthy because of our talents, behavior or resources that we bring to the table. We are valuable and worthy because of the time that God takes to consider us and the price He paid to redeem us. (Humble myself and know where my value comes from)
-Our timeline is skewed. We live our lives like we will live forever on earth. We are slow to speak life to people, lazy with our talents and selfish with our resources. Our time is limited. Our life is like a breath. Therefore we should wake up each day and live like we are dying, because, in fact, we are. And a whole lot quicker than we would like to think. (Live like I’m dying, because I am)
-The brevity of life creates selfishness. When we finally figure out that our life is short (mid-life and beyond) we start to get selfish with our time. Some of the grumpiest people in the world are people who live like the world owes them something because their time is running short. Instead of engaging in the mission of Jesus, aging believers become grumpy and demand everything in the world (and the church) to cater to them. When we come face to face with the brevity of our time on earth, this should spark a fire for missional living and sacrificial service motivated by love for those in need. It should spur us on to take big risks to see those who are lost to be found, those who are sick to be healed, those who are spiritually dead to be alive. (Live like others are dying apart from Jesus, because they are)
Father thank you for your clarity. Set my eyes on you and give me an urgency. An urgency to live faithfully and love sacrificially. What am I that you at mindful of me? Grateful you love me and paid my penalty. May I live in response to that truth today.
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