Good Life Journal – Psalm 16


Psalm 16:1 “Keep me safe my God for in you I take refuge.”


This is a prayer of safekeeping, trust and faith. Some translate Micktam ad golden. The Golden Psalm. The refuge and safety mentioned here is more precious than gold.


What a wonderful reassurance for me to know that my safety and refuge is in God. As I think about what this means and reread the passage I can see a clear difference between worldly safety and refuge and the safety in my trust of God. My riches and gold are in this wonderful word of God and my faith in the inheritance of everlasting life. In today’s world and in David’s world, the pursuit is in riches, power and influence. In God’s world the riches are his words, the power is in loving others and the influence is in leading others to Christ. “For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does” 2Cor10:3


Father, thank you for the riches that you give to me. All that I have comes from your blessing. Though I do have many worldly blessings, I am most thankful for the gift of Your Son. Jesus died so that I could have an eternal inheritance. Amen

– Don J


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