Good Life Journal – Psalms 10-11


“Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” 10:1


The writer of the Psalm, a righteous, holy man is struggling with seeing so much suffering, so many afflicted and even himself struggling and afflicted and asks God, “Why do you feel so far?” The Psalmist felt like God was far in his time of need.


God will feel far. That doesn’t mean he is. God will feel distant and unloving and like he left you hanging, that doesn’t mean he has. God is still on his throne, and most importantly, God’s promises are true no matter how they feel.

God has promised us to never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
God can’t lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

God cannot leave us nor forsake us. No matter how it feels, God is with you, he is with those who have put their trust in him. Don’t let th eenemy lie to you and make you believe that what you are feeling is actually the case. God is near you. Even in suffering, God is good & near you. Trust him.

And lastly, it is OK to struggle with God and ask him questions like, “Why do you feel so far away?” The Psalmist did it. We can do it. Do it. Wrestle with God, but trust in him as you do it.


God I thank you that your ways are higher than mine. Sometimes that really stinks. Sometimes I don’t understand. Sometimes you feel a million miles away but I pray that when that happens I wouldn’t trust my feeling, but I would trust what you have promised, what you have said to me. Give me the grace and power to do that.