Good Life Journal – Psalms 147-148


Vs 1 – “Praise the Lord!”
Vs 4 – “He determines the numbers of stars;
He gives to all of them their names.”
Vs 11 – “the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, and those who hope in his steadfast love.”
Vs 16 – “He scatters frost like ashes.”


God is worthy of praise!
God is sovereign over everything we can see or not see.
He is in control of things as grand as the stars and as minute as frost.
He does not just create them he controls them.
He is sovereign.
With us, however, he does not just create and control, he also loves.
He loves with a steadfast love, a Covenant love, a forever love.
This gives us hope.
And it gives God pleasure.


Do I want to please God?
These words tell me plainly how to do that.
Hope in Him and His steadfast, forever love.
These words also tell me why I can do this.
There is nothing outside of His control.
When I doubt I can look to the stars and see Him in control.
When I am uncertain I can look to the earth and see Him at work.
I know God is with me and loves me always.
There is always a reason to praise Him!


Thank you again God for your word!
Thank you for the hope it gives.
Thank you that there is always reason to hope because of your steadfast love.
Help me see you in the every day.
Help me see that you are always at work for those you love.
In Jesus name,



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