Revelation 17:14 – They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.
A great prostitute and beast are taking as brief reign and destruction is about to take place. We can also see the opposition within the beast and prostitute and the destruction that is to come. Earlier we see how John marvels at this vision and the angel asks why and gives more clarity that many will marvel. Though these visions are evil and destruction they are seemingly pleasing to the eye. Though that might be the portrayal, that is not the reality. The prostitute and the beast are trying to take all people with them to destruction and their seems to be no hope and then verse 14 changes the game.
The beast and prostitute will make war on the Lamb and the Lamb will conquer them!! This is so hopeful and trustworthy. The one whom desires for destruction and has limited power on earth now WILL NOT win. The Lamb will and has overcome. Not only does Jesus win he has chosen many to be with him and experience the victory. How does this not change everything about my life daily? The reality is I feel like I am marveling at the prostitute and the beast rather than walking in the victory of the Lamb whom has conquered. This is scary because the elect can be lead astray (Matthew 24:24) so this is so important to trust in the Lamb that has overcome!
Action steps:
Preach the Gospel to myself every morning.
Get in the Word every morning as the start to day.
Father forgive me when I marvel at what is evil and not true. Give me eyes to see what is true and Holy and feet that pursue Jesus the Truth rather than what is false. I love you God and thank you for your Spirit.
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