Good Life Journal – Revelation 22


Verse 6: And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”


The entire book of Revelation is a true story of God’s revenge and judgment. The last chapter first describes a very peaceful place and then goes on to say the events of Revelation are true and emphasize that Jesus is coming soon.
The events as described in Revelation will happen. The events will happen soon. And the events must happen.

The book of Revelation describes a battle between good and evil. We already know who has won this battle.
Next to God’s glory what we value today in the world is meaningless.


I must be ready and help others to recognize they need to be ready. I must be prepared for His coming. As we are getting ready for the Christmas season which celebrates His birth, it is an odd juxtaposition to be reading Revelation. All I have to do is turn on the television to see examples of what the world values. Stuff. Success. Money, Power. Being the best at sports. The world seems to be getting busier, crazier and more dangerous. Yet, He is the Prince of Peace. While the world marvels at physical things my focus should be on spiritual things.

The things I should value and keep in control are the things I can’t buy or see. They include: my time, my attitude, my focus, my ability to identify opportunities to witness, my heart.

The book of Revelation should provide me with the motivation necessary to keep my focus on spiritual things. I must remember that God wins the battle. I must remain committed to doing the things that he wants me to do. I must be committed to remaining His servant so that I can share in the victory.


Father, you are the almighty God. These events are already planned and you already know the timing. You are preparing a place for me. I am so humble that you would consider me and want me to be a part of your kingdom. Thank you for sending your son to live a perfect life yet die on a cross to save my sins. Allow me to continue to live my life for you so I can reach others that don’t know you or your son. Use me to your glory, Amen.


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