Good Life Journal – Revelation 2

Scripture: “I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary.


But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.  Remember therefore from where you have fallen.  Repent and do the works you did at first.  If not, I will come to you and remove the lampstand from its place—unless you repent.


Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans (which I also hate).


He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”  Rev 3-7


Observation:  From my eyes, this section of Scripture (and some others that follow in Revelation), implies that the “once saved, always saved” doctrine (OSAS) might not be necessarily true the way it is generally practiced.  Persevering intentionally to the End appears to be the order of the day…


Analysis:  I am thinking about David’s life right now.  Up and down, back, and forth from overt (and covert) giving into sinful practices—yet it was said of David’s life that he “served the purpose of God in his generation.” (Acts 13:36) Despite what David did to sin (and there was much), talking against God or idolatry wasn’t among it.


So, what I can deduce from this section of scripture without stretching anything:

  1. The Spirit commends Ephesus for endurance with patience for the Sake of the Name and has not grown weary about it.


So, they have been physically strong.  Could it be inferred that they have a strong mind and determination to conduct themselves in a visual manner?

  1. On the negative, Ephesus has lost their heart for Jesus.  They did what they did not for the Love of the Lord, but for (is this too stretched?  I don’t think so…) a new morality?


Christianity as a new moral code—isn’t that a thought?  I see it in myself; I act a certain way, I have a certain way of thinking, I encourage my children to act right, think right, have a right conduct—all to conform as close as I can get them (me too) to be visual “christians”, but not Fierce Christians.


Just looking up “Nicolaitans” in Google/Wikipedia, the short definition is that Nicolaitans thought this way: Before Jesus illicit sexual liaisons was bad.  Now that I am saved, I have been released from that sin.  Now, everything is permissible, including sex and especially ritual sex (that kind of sex done in a worship setting).  A little twisting here and there and voila—what was immoral is now moral…all because of losing a First Love.


If I have to think about it, what is revival for?  Is it to “revive” our unbelieving community?  Revive what, actually?  Wouldn’t it be obvious that revival is for those who have once called on the Name of Jesus and have abandoned their First Love?


Remembering to “preach the Gospel” to ourselves is the first step for rekindling the Flame we once had and to keep lit.


Prayer:  Father, to be a fierce, everyday Christian is what I want, terribly desire—that kind of guy that can’t keep thoughts of you out of my head, remembering your Word and meditating on it.

By doing this, maybe I can keep being a moral Christian out of my lexicon and being a fiercely determined godly man as my life.

I wish I didn’t fail so much.

Amen, bring revival,

Rick Sutton