Good Life Journal – Revelation 2


Revelation 2: 3-4

“You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.”


Revelation chapter 2 begins a series of seven letters written in Revelation to seven churches. John records the words of the risen Christ to the churches. The first of this series of letters is written to the church in Ephesus. The church at Ephesus is commended for their endurance and their doctrine. The letter includes that the church has even endured many hardships for the name of Jesus yet has not grown weary. However, there is one flaw in Ephesus and that is that they have forsaken the love that they first had. They have forgotten love. This fault is considered so important that they are threatened with being counted apostate if they do not repent.


Ephesus was a church who was getting it right. They checked the boxes of what we would want in a healthy church. Their doctrine was sound, they were a holy people, they even persevere through persecution. Yet, they had forgotten love. How can I be similar in my faith? If my doctrine and my life are of my own striving and not of the overflow of love for Jesus and others then I have badly missed the mark. The call of the church in Ephesus is the same call that Jesus has for me today. Love.


Jesus thank you for your love that changes everything. Thank you that you speak to me and give your people chance for repentance. God I ask for your forgiveness in areas of my life where I have failed to love and I ask that you would renew my desire to love deeply yourself and those around me. Amen.





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