Good Life Journal – Revelation 6


Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains… For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand? v15 & 17


When the end comes, as John sees it in Revelation, no matter what your standing in the world, slave, free, rich, poor, all hide. And they, “Who can stand?”


When those hiding from the wrath to come ask, “Who can stand?” they are feeling and experiencing the great weight of God’s worth. When we come face to face with Jesus we will feel the weight of his love, his grace, his perfection, his holiness and even without him saying anything, without him condemning us we will feel the how wholly different and unworthy we are. 

Just a look from Jesus and we will think, “Who can stand? Who is worthy to stand in his presence?”

But glory to God, there has been made a way for us through the blood shed. Because someone stood in our place, Jesus, we can stand. 


Thank you for giving us a way to the Father. We don’t deserve it, and we feel that. We will stand before you and feel the weight of your worth and the weight of our unworthiness but still you welcome us in. Unworthy, yet you welcome us because you enjoy saving those who aren’t worth it! Thank you lord. 



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