They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”
War against the lamb is a guarantee.
The lamb conquers.
Those with the lamb, the chosen, the called, the faithful, they conquer with him.
Revelation can be read a few different ways, but the worst way to do it is to try and decipher and decode every little word and think you know what it actually means and stands for. There is so much symbolism in here, that we can easily, and many have before us, gotten sucked into the weeds.
There was a whole book series that did this and made a mess of things by trying to define things that aren’t meant to be defined. Sometimes, we have to be OK with the mystery and dive into it only to see the BIG truths that stand out.
This is how I read Revelation. What are the big truths we see? The things we learn about God and his character and how the translates into real life today.
We see in this passage that war is coming against the lamb. For sure. Definitey. It reads, “they will make war…”
But the best part is this next line, “the Lamb will conquer.” Not maybe. Not hopefully. Not if… Will.
The lamb will conquer.
The lamb will conquer.
The lamb will conquer.
We already know how this all ends, no matter what happens, Jesus conquers all. And those who are called, chosen & faithful will conquer with him.
Trust him. Set your sights on him that you would conquer with him. The conquering we experience in this life isn’t complete. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Jesus doesn’t make you rich.
He doesn’t promise you will be comfortable.
Jesus doesn’t make sure you conquer in such a way that everything is comfortable & OK and blessed.
But we can be assured that we will conquer.
When you look at your life today, remember to keep going, keep pressing in, keep fighting, keep trusting, why? Because you conquer in the end through Jesus. He conquers. Abide in him. Hide in him. He conquers.
Thank you Lord that you conquer. Give me trust. Call me. Let me be faithful. Do this work in me. Do the impossible in me that I would trust you in the midst of the war. When it feels like you aren’t going to conquer may I trust your word that promises you do, no matter what you do. If you can conquer all of evil in the end, how can I not trust you to conquer it in me?
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