Good Life Journal – Romans 1

Scripture –
Romans 1:25 – because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen

Paul tells us that people know the truth and they can see it in creation, yet they suppress the truth. Once truth is gone the lie of the enemy takes hold. Then creation or creature becomes the object of worship rather then God who is the author and Creator of life and everything in it. He alone is worthy of endless praise. Amen.

In verse 18 Paul tells us that the wrath of God will be poured out on those who suppress and exchange the truth. This gives a sense of urgency to convey the gospel to people who are lost, hurting have believed the lies of the enemy and are living against God. We are getting a clearer picture of this in our world on an almost daily basis and the separation from the Word and the world is growing. The truth of God as the Creator of life and His natural order is under attack. This a Spiritual battle and the ruler of this world has people deceived and is approving of ideology that is opposed to God. We can pray for minds to be opened, hearts to be softened to meet people where they are share love and truth to let the Spirit move and convict people to know God. As our moral culture continues to deteriorate people are fearful and hungry. We need to be there with the hope of Jesus Christ for repentance, reconciliation, true restoration and healing in the name of Jesus.


Thank you for the truth in your word and your love to see all come to know and have a relationship with you. Let the Spirit guide me to follow you, share your gospel with those who are fearful and hurting to extend your glory!