Romans 3:14But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
Paul is making clear the extent of the law and the fulfillment of the law is not the keeping of tons of commandments individually, it’s the keeping of the most important. Realistically if you keep loving your neighbor as you love yourself you keep the others as they follow. Paul covered submission to authority trusting the sovereignty and hand hand of God in leadership as well. Verse 14 got me because it is such a personal decision.
The decision to follow Jesus happened for me a long time ago. It was a discussion I made through the power of the spirit, and now I’m done with those types of decisions right? No!!!
It is my responsibility to put him on like a covering for my body daily. To put him on and make NO plans at all to appease my flesh. This verse is hitting me in the face this morning because so many times I don’t stop in the morning and ask Jesus to cover me, strengthen me, and empower me to love people. I feel like I got that figured out. I don’t put him on every day because I feel like what he has given me I can do, and if I need him I will go to him. I’m being brutally honest to the reality that I talk about God more than I talk with him to my confidence in myself (sin).
Jesus this morning is saying, everyday I give you breath, put me on. Every afternoon I give you breath, put me on. Every night you pull into your driveway, put me on and then go love and serve your family. At night as I lay to sleep, put me on.
If I am constantly at every moment putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, I won’t make provisions to the flesh and Christ will shine and get Glory.
Thank you Father for your spirit whom convicts. Thank you for loving me enough to confront me and I pray I allow you to change Me. I choose to put the Lord Jesus on this morning. Have your way God. Forgive me for not allowing your to lead.
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