Romans 14:7-9 – For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves. If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord. Christ died and rose again for this very purpose – to be Lord of both the living and the dead.
When we receive Christ as our Lord and savior, we are given a new life that is not about our own desires or wants. We are to live and die for Christ in a way that is honoring to Him. Jesus’ death and resurrection was for us so that we may live for Him.
Am I living a life to honor God or myself? When Jesus looks down and examines my attitude, actions, work and choices will it be pleasing to Him? Everything I do should be centered on the cross to point the glory to God. I must be mindful not to get caught up in the systems of the world and pursue my own selfish desires. Whatever I accomplish is not on my own but through Christ and should reflect back to Him.
Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to overcome death so that we can have a new life to honor you. Help me to not to live for self but to submit to your will and live a life pleasing to you.
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