Romans 2
Vs 2 We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things.
Vs 3 Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?
Vs 4 Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
Paul is speaking to the Romans who are not understanding that God’s judgment will fall on them.
They will not avoid the judgment of God just because they now have the word of God.
Incredibly, these people who now have the word of God are using it, in fact, to judge others.
And they are doing this, while at the same time, using it to excuse themselves from the judgement of God.
In fact, they are applying the good character of God in the most selfishly indulgent manner to justify themselves in their own thinking and doing.
Hypocrisy in the extreme!
How did the idea of the “kindness of God” become somehow equated with eliminating the “judgement of God”?
What a devastatingly atrocious idea? Actually, it’s worse than atrocious … It is thoroughly immoral … even evil.
Do we really want to live in a world without God’s judgement?
Would it be “kind” for God to avoid “judging”? Absolutely not!
In a world without judgement, chaos reigns. And the same goes for a life.
Chaos will reign in my life if I am not holding it up against the righteous judgement of God.
And this must consistently bring me to my knees again.
I want to think, “I know the word of God. I know the character of God. I have the Spirit of God.”
I want to think, “those people” deserve judgement.
Well, “those people” do deserve judgement … just as this person does. I deserve judgment.
Judgement is a good thing when it is done by a righteous Judge.
Judgement is justice. Judgement is accountability.
But in Christ, judgement is not punishment. Jesus took my punishment.
This gives me freedom, but not freedom to now judge others.
Freedom in Christ is freedom to show others they can have this same freedom through repentance.
Thank you again God that you are a Just Judge.
Thank you that your kindness leads to repentance.
Help me Spirit not to abuse your goodness.
Help me to not condemn others.
Help me to see others the way you see them.
Help me avoid the sin I am tempted to judge others of.
In Jesus name
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