Good Life Journal – Romans 5


Romans 5:5. But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.


1. Gifts are not valued by everyone at the same level. Have you ever been given an expensive gift to someone and you were so excited to see their reaction to the gift only to learn that they did not value the gift as much as you did? They don’t take care of it as well as you would. They don’t treat it with the same level of respect. How did that make you feel? 2. Gifts have value, even if they are free to the recipient. One reason they don’t value a free gift is because they didn’t pay for it and/or don’t have as much vested in the gift. They didn’t put in the work or effort or pay the price to acquire the gift. How do we expect others to act when they are given a free gift? 3. Gifts must be accepted A gift can be given but it also has to be accepted. If the recipient doesn’t accept the gift, the gift is wasted or rejected.


God gave us a free gift: salvation through his son Jesus. He died on a cross to save us and give us the gift of eternal salvation. I have not valued this gift like I should. I value it sometimes but not all the time. I value it when I think I need it most like when something is wrong or after I have sinned. But I need to remember that in all things and at all times I am to remember Him and appreciate what he freely gave us. To get the true value of the gift that we have been given, the gift must be accepted and used as intended. We can’t use the gift as a “when I want it” or think that the gift will always be available to us. If you have not accepted this free gift today, you must act now. One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we have time. We don’t. We are not promised tomorrow. Act now.


Father, I have not valued your free gift as much as I should. Help open my eyes to the areas of my life that are in contradiction to your word and to your will. Help me to reflect your light and to help further you kingdom. Give me the wisdom to identify opportunities that I can use to help spread your word to those that have not accepted your son as their Lord and Savior.

-Paul Palmer


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