[3] Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, [4] and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, [5] and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
This pattern is God’s plan for us to become stronger and ultimately have hope.
As a Christian, hope doesn’t just come to us instantly when we pop up out of the baptistry, with our life being nothing but good times from there on out. It doesn’t just happen overnight or the next day. The fact is, we WILL have suffering in this life and that is God’s plan. This is His pattern to build hope from character, and character from perseverance built from suffering,
Romans is so good and it seems like there are gems in every verse. Verses 3-5 in this chapter are verses I personally seem to need to hear over and over. I’m probably no different than anyone else when it comes to needing to remember God’s purpose as I go through trials.
Rejoice in our sufferings. But God, I really don’t want to suffer. And when I do suffer, I’d much rather complain and pray that You remove me from the situation(s) causing my tribulation.
If it were MY plan I’d snap my fingers and have character and hope instantly, without going through the trials God allows me to go through in order to build me up.
Who do I think I am? Do I really think that my plan is better than God’s plan? Do I think that the pattern He has defined is a bad pattern? No. No I don’t.
This comes up over and over around our house but analogous to growing a strong tree, it does not grow to be a strong tree without plenty of wind and probably some dry times, to get its roots to grow deep and its trunk strong. Neither should we ever expect to grow strong in our faith and have ultimate hope in God, without living the pattern He has laid out for us.
Lord thank you for choosing a sinner like me. Thank you for putting me through the trials I’ve been through because I know you are in control and that you allow my suffering in order to ultimately build me up. As I go through any suffering in this life, I will look to you as my strength. Build me up to honor you. My hope is in you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.