Good Life Journal – Titus 1


Titus 1:9 – He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also rebuke those who contradict it.


Paul is giving instruction to Titus, a young pastor, on qualifications for leadership and problems arising within the church at Crete.  After Paul reviews all the other necessary traits to be an elder, the final distinguishing characteristic of an elder is someone who holds firm to the truth in God’s word.  A church leader should also be able to communicate, encourage the flock with sound teaching and correct those who have opposing views.   


I must take Paul’s advice for Titus and hold on to the truth in God’s word that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Paul’s encouragement for Titus to lead the 1stcentury church in Crete is every bit applicable to Good Life Church in Bradenton, Florida in 2018.  The gospel of Jesus is where we must build, start, continue and lead our church and discipleship.  When we begin to stray from gospel, we risk either too much grace (doing what I want because I’m covered) or too many works (legalistic religious activity to be saved) both of which are rooted in self and not the saving grace only available from God. 



Thank you for the truth in your word.  Let your Spirit guide me to be grounded in your word, able to clearly communicate your gospel with others and defend the gospel from false teaching  


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